Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Baby Boedeker

With everyone here lately to share exciting news, I thought I'd join the mix.

Bambi and I became parents a few weeks back. We had a little boy - Tyson James (we call him Ty).

I'm still out of the news business and still as happy as ever. Though now back in the sports world at the Golf Course Superintendents Association in Lawrence.

Any alums out there and in the area, drop me a line: eboedeker@gcsaa.org.

Eric Boedeker

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Doug's New Job

Time to get the heck out of Dodge - and by Dodge, I mean Lawrence.

Yes, I'm moving up in the world - quite literally, Fairway is north of Lawrence and heading to KCTV 5 News - Live. Late-Breaking. Investigative.

And, I'm becoming a corporate shill, not that I have a problem with that. I'll be producing the daily topical news promos that will air on KCTV 5 Live. Late-Breaking. Investigative. as a part of America's Number 1 Network - CBS. (I'm practicing the whole promotions thing. How's it working?)

But, the biggest plus out of the whole new job thingie, no more photoging, and I'll be working on a non-linear machine for pretty much all the editing that I do during the course of the day.

My wife and I are moving in just a couple of weeks to Overland Park, and I'll be starting at 5 on the 27th.

It's addition by subtraction (6 - 1 = 5, get it?) and I couldn't be happier with the chance at this new job.

Topeka has been nice this past year, but I'm not fond of commuting, not to mention Melissa and I both know more people living in KC than we ever met in Topeka, so it'll be cool. Hopefully we'll see some of you locals around.

Doug Donahoo

Friday, July 15, 2005

LA Connection

A distant hello to my old KUJH friends! I'm really pleased to hear that some of my fellow graduates have moved on to new and even more exciting jobs. Bieke - Congratulations on your move to Providence. I hear it's beautiful, with or without Matt Damon. It is fantastic to hear that some of my fellow alumni have grabbed the next rung on the ladder. Continued success to all of you, especially those who have moved out of their comfort zones. Personally, I miss the calmness of Lawrence, but I think that's only because of my current locale.

I now reside in Los Angeles, the smoggiest city in all the land. I work for an "integrated entertainment marketing firm" called Creative Domain. Basically we are a film and television advertising vendor. I began as an assistant editor in February, and was promoted to editor in April. As far as jobs go, I couldn't ask for more. I have an incredible boss, and I sit around all day cutting commercials for my favorite t.v. shows and movies. There is the pandora's box of egos to deal with, but I suppose that is Hollywood. I signed a non-compete contract for two years, and who knows if I'll stay or go after that. I was looking on the site to see if any other KUers had made it out this way, but alas I found none. I wish you all the best, and please, contact me anytime @ zatchary@gmail.com or 512-228-7777.

Zach Lee

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Job Changes

Mike Rigg is changing jobs following in a fine summer tradition that I too am part of. He is leaving 6News and the Journal-World to become a sports reporter/producer at KOCO in Oklahoma City. Congrats to him.

Also, there may be another of us with a job change to annouce soon. Stay tuned.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hello from NYC

Hey everyone. I just wanted to drop a line say hello to all KUJH Alumni! I visited Lawrence over a month ago and it brought back so many wonderful college memories. I have been working for Good Morning America out here in NYC for a year now!! We are now the fastest growing morning show and got the #1 spot for May sweeps. Take THAT Miss Couric! This summer, I am proud to say another Jayhawk has joined me. Adam Sechrist is a summer intern here and it's nice to have another midwesterner around. I currently act as the liason between GMA and sales. I also work on our summer concert series. That gives me the opportunity to get close with lots of celebs! I am always open to story ideas for the show so please email me at elizabeth.a.springer@abc.com with any thoughts. Anyways, if anyone should adventure out in to this big city please let me know.
---Liz Springer

Monday, July 04, 2005

New Look

Two years and almost 10,000 hits later, I've decided to do a little revamping to the site. I can't decide if I like the colors. Feel free to add your input. I've checked all the links (I think). Let me know if you find anything that doesn't work. You should be able to post with no problems as well. Thanks for a great two years.
